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Send bookmarked Medium stories to your kindle every morning

In an article from 2014 Manuel Hanel describes how you can send articles from your favourite authors on Medium. But i was searching for a way to send my bookmarked articles to Medium.

It was also possible for me to use IFTTT for this workflow. The difference is that Medium is already an integrated app at IFTTT. To send the full article to my kindle i used Pocket to save the data and send it via

Step-by-step how-to

  1. Create a new recipe for IFTTT and choose Medium as the app as the trigger channel.
  2. Choose “Post bookmarked by you” for the trigger and connect your Medium account.
  3. Use Pocket as your “Action Channel” and “Save for later” as action.
  4. Create the recipe and save it.
  5. Go to and create an account (by connecting your pocket account to p2k)
  6. Create a new daily delivery, but don’t forget to add the p2k e-mail to your Amazon Kindle account.
  7. Now you can get your bookmarked articles every day on your kindle without doing anything else, than clicking on bookmark.